Company Profile for AIRBUS SAS
Dépèche transmise le 10 juin 2011 par Business Wire

Company Profile for AIRBUS SAS
--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Airbus is a leading aircraft manufacturer whose customer focus, commercial know-how, technological leadership and manufacturing efficiency have propelled it to the forefront of the industry. Airbus today consistently captures about half of all commercial airliner orders. The company also continues to broaden its scope and product range by applying its expertise to the military market.
Airbus’ modern and comprehensive product line comprises highly successful families of aircraft ranging from 107 to 525 seats: the single-aisle A320 Family (A318/A319/A320/A321), the wide-body long-range A330 and the all-new next generation A350 XWB Family, and the double-decker A380 Family.
Airbus has sold over 10,100 aircraft to more than 430 customers/operators and has delivered over 6,600 aircraft since it first entered service in 1974. Dedicated to helping airlines enhance the profitability of their fleets, Airbus also delivers a wide range of customer services in all areas of support, tailored to the needs of individual operators all over the world.
As an industry leader, Airbus strives to be a truly eco-efficient enterprise. To that end Airbus is the first aeronautics company in the world to have earned the ISO 14001 environmental certification for all production sites and products for the entire life cycle. Airbus seeks to ensure that air transport continues to be an eco-efficient means of transport, delivering economic value while minimizing its environmental impact.
Airbus is an EADS company headquartered in Toulouse, France.
Company: |
Headquarters Address: |
1 rond point M. Bellonte | |
BLAGNAC 31707 | ||
France | ||
Main Telephone: |
33 5 61 93 10 00 | |
Website: |
Type of Organization: |
Private | |
Industry: |
Key Executives: |
CEO: Thomas ENDERS |
Media Relations |
Contact: |
Stefan Schaffrath | |
Phone: | | |
Email: |
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