
Datalex Continues to Deliver Value and Business Flexibility to aerlingus.com

Dépèche transmise le 8 septembre 2009 par Business Wire

Datalex Continues to Deliver Value and Business Flexibility to aerlingus.com

Datalex Continues to Deliver Value and Business Flexibility to aerlingus.com

DUBLIN--(BUSINESS WIRE)--The Datalex Travel Distribution Platform (TDP) which powers www.aerlingus.com has enabled additional new online features that deliver further business flexibility and value for Aer Lingus. www.aerlingus.com currently accounts for over 80% of the airline’s bookings.

Following on from the pioneering success of the Aer Lingus e-interlining solution, most recent TDP features include new group booking features which permit seamless and efficient group bookings, ‘last seat shopping display’ on aerlingus.com to help the customer to make a more informed decision regarding how quickly low fares in particular are likely to become sold out, implementation of seat and baggage fees, and tax discounts and overrides.

TDP has also enabled fare merchandising capabilities at aerlingus.com through the introduction of the successful FlexiFare product. Aer Lingus customers who up-sell to a FlexiFare can avail of extra benefits including ticket refunds and changes, no fee for up to 2 checked bags, free seat selection and lounge access at specified locations.

Speaking on the launch of these new features, Datalex CEO Cormac Whelan said: “The latest functionality that the Datalex Travel Distribution Platform has enabled on www.aerlingus.com is further evidence of the benefits and growing successes that result from the solid relationship that has grown between Aer Lingus and Datalex. By focusing on a proven product that delivers real return on investment and business efficiencies, and having listened and responded to customers, Datalex’s Travel Distribution Platform truly addresses the needs of the airline direct channel that are critical to the very core of their success.”

For further information, please see also Aer Lingus case studies:

Datalex Powers www.aerlingus.com


Datalex Delivers eInterlining to Aer Lingus


Business Wire

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