Machinists Union Slideshow Exposes Horrific Truths Behind Colombia Free Trade
Dépèche transmise le 20 juillet 2011 par Business Wire

Machinists Union Slideshow Exposes Horrific Truths Behind Colombia Free Trade
WASHINGTON--(BUSINESS WIRE)--To reveal atrocities surrounding the Colombia Free Trade Agreement (FTA) now under Congressional debate, the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers (IAM) today released a slideshow exposing Colombia’s heinous treatment of its workers and trade unionists.
“Colombia continues to be one of the most corrupt and volatile governments of the world and the most dangerous place to be a trade unionist”
The disturbing images are part of the IAM’s Facebook ad campaign to educate the public on the shortcomings of the South Korea, Colombia and Panama FTAs and the substantial damage they will do to American workers.
“Colombia continues to be one of the most corrupt and volatile governments of the world and the most dangerous place to be a trade unionist,” said IAM International President Tom Buffenbarger. “Over 2,850 trade unionists have been slain in the streets of Colombia in the last 25 years. Last year, 51 trade workers were murdered. Seventeen so far this year. The Colombian government has yet to take action in most of these cases.
“The IAM is committed to fighting for a new model of trade agreements – one that is based on fairness and that makes workers and the communities in which they live the priority. Until Colombia adopts, maintains and enforces labor laws that comply with the International Labour Organization’s core labor standards, no trade agreement with Colombia should be considered.”
See the IAM’s ad campaign on Facebook.
The IAM is among the nation’s largest industrial trade unions, representing nearly 700,000 active and retired members under more than 5,000 contracts in aerospace, manufacturing, transportation, shipbuilding and defense-related industries. For more information, visit www.goiam.org.
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