
Fraport Continues to be Listed on the Leading Sustainability Indexes

Dépèche transmise le 17 septembre 2010 par PRNewswire

FRANKFURT, September 17, 2010 /PRNewswire/ -- Fraport AG Frankfurt Airport Services Worldwide has been selected again to be listed on this year's Dow Jones Sustainability Index (DJSI) World. Thus, Fraport continues to be the only airport operator in the world on the DJSI. Furthermore, the Frankfurt Airport company has retained its listing on the sustainability indexes of the Financial Times Stock Exchange (FTSE4Good). At the beginning of the year, the SAM Group -- a leading asset manager for sustainability investments -- and accountancy firm PricewaterhouseCoopers awarded "Sam Silver Class 2010" status to Fraport in their Sustainability Yearbook 2010, which is the world's most comprehensive reference book on corporate sustainability performance. These indexes only list companies that show exemplary sustainability performance in terms of economic, ecological and social success factors. The DJSI World comprises the top 10 percent of the leading sustainability companies out of the largest 2,500 companies in the Dow Jones Global Index. The latest DJSI World will become effective on September 20, 2010.

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For Further Information, Please Contact: Fraport AG Frankfurt Airport Services Worldwide Robert A. Payne, B.A.A. - Senior Mgr. International Press & PR International Spokesman, Press Office (Dept. UKM-PS), Corporate Communications, 60547 Frankfurt am Main, Germany Tel.: +49-69-690-78547; E-mail: [email protected]; mailto:[email protected]; Internet: http://www.fraport.com

CONTACT: For Further Information, Please Contact: Fraport AG FrankfurtAirport Services WorldwideRobert A. Payne, B.A.A. - Senior Mgr. International Press & PR,International Spokesman, Press Office (Dept. UKM-PS), CorporateCommunications, 60547 Frankfurt am Main, Germany,Tel.: +49-69-690-78547; E-mail: ;


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