IAM President Urges Support for ‘Make it in America’ Agenda
Dépèche transmise le 4 mai 2011 par Business Wire
WASHINGTON--(BUSINESS WIRE)--The International President of the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers (IAM) today welcomed the effort by House Democratic Whip Steny Hoyer (D-MD) to restore the national focus on creating and preserving U.S. jobs as the primary pathway back to national economic prosperity.
“Every American should be concerned about the outsourcing of key defense capabilities and loss of this nation’s ability to manufacture the means of our own defense”
“Each month that passes without a comprehensive national plan to rebuild our manufacturing infrastructure is another month this nation suffers needlessly,” said IAM International President Tom Buffenbarger. “The time for debate and lip service to the notion of large-scale job creation has past. We need big ideas, big enough to put hundreds of thousands of Americans back to work every month. Our economy will remain stuck in neutral until we do.”
The IAM recently issued “Creating and Sustaining U.S. Manufacturing Jobs,” as part of its effort to raise awareness of the importance of preserving U.S. manufacturing jobs.
Buffenbarger praised components of the “Make it in America” agenda proposed by Rep. Hoyer as critical to restoring the nation’s economic and national security. “Every American should be concerned about the outsourcing of key defense capabilities and loss of this nation’s ability to manufacture the means of our own defense,” said Buffenbarger. “I am grateful to Rep. Hoyer for giving this important issue the attention it deserves.”
The IAM is among the largest industrial trade unions in North America, with nearly 700,000 active and retired members in dozens of industries. For more information about the IAM, visit www.goiam.org.
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