
Allied Pilots Association Expresses Strong Support for Striking Finnair Pilots

Dépèche transmise le 16 novembre 2009 par Business Wire

Allied Pilots Association Expresses Strong Support for Striking Finnair Pilots

Allied Pilots Association Expresses Strong Support for Striking Finnair Pilots

FORT WORTH, Texas--(BUSINESS WIRE)--The Allied Pilots Association (APA), certified collective bargaining agent for the 11,500 pilots of American Airlines (NYSE: AMR), issued a statement of support today for the 800 pilots of Finnair, represented by the Finnish Airline Pilots’ Association (Suomen Liikennelentäjäliitto, SLL). The Finnair pilots went on strike at one minute past midnight this morning to protest airline management’s plans to ignore the collective bargaining agreement and shift new 70-seat aircraft to Finncomm Airlines, a newly formed commuter affiliate.

APA’s statement reads as follows:

“We strongly support our brother and sister oneworld pilots at Finnair in their efforts to convince Finnair management to abandon their outsourcing plans,” said APA President Captain Lloyd Hill. “Outsourcing represents a serious threat to loyal workers around the world, so it’s fair to say that the Finnair pilots’ fight is our fight as well.

“Given the close relationship between Finnair and American Airlines—which includes a grant of antitrust immunity—we are especially concerned about Finnair management’s conduct,” Hill said. “According to the Finnair pilots, as many as 200 of their jobs are at risk as a consequence of their management’s outsourcing plans, which are in direct violation of the pilots’ contract.

“We therefore urge Finnair management to cease and desist with any outsourcing plans and to negotiate with the carrier’s pilots in good faith. Likewise, we have every expectation that American Airlines management will refrain from any involvement in the dispute.

“We are hopeful that this impasse will be resolved expeditiously for the good of all concerned with Finnair. In the meantime, APA will remain in close contact with our colleagues in Finland and will also provide support for Finnair pilots stranded in the United States during the strike.”

Founded in 1963, the Allied Pilots Association—the largest independent pilot union in the U.S.—is headquartered in Fort Worth, Texas. APA represents the 11,500 pilots of American Airlines, including 1,888 pilots on furlough. The furloughs began shortly after the September 11, 2001 attacks. Also, several hundred American Airlines pilots are on full-time military leave of absence serving in the armed forces. The union’s Web site address is www.alliedpilots.org. American Airlines is the nation’s second-largest passenger carrier and fifth-largest cargo carrier.

APA and the Finnish Airline Pilots’ Association (Suomen Liikennelentäjäliitto, SLL) are members of the Oneworld Cockpit Crew Coalition, which consists of the pilot unions of every oneworld Alliance carrier.

Business Wire

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